
Te huur
8 May 2023
Apartment for rent at the Van Bijlandtplaats
Does living in the centre of Rotterdam sound like something to you? In this spacious maisonette apartment you are within walking…
Karel Doormanstraat
24 April 2023
Three new spots on the Karel Doormanstraat
Every week a fun new hotspot seems to be opening in Rotterdam Centre. Also on the Karel Doormanstraat!
City House
19 April 2023
"I love the architecture and vibrant life in Rotterdam."
Read our interview with Ivonne, who moved to Rotterdam one year ago. She shares her personal journey on how she got here, what…
12 April 2023
"We get along well, but we also work hard."
Danny has been working at Manhave Vastgoed for just over a year. As Assistant Asset Manager, he is responsible for the housing…
4 April 2023
New Italian sandwich shop on the Karel Doormanstraat
Since February you can visit La Mozza on the Karel Doormanstraat. Here they sell richly filled Italian sandwiches with mozzarella…
27 March 2023
This Tuschinski monument will come to Rotterdam in 2023
In the summer of 2023, Abraham Icek Tuschinski will receive a memorial in the city where he lived, worked and loved: Rotterdam.
Te huur
20 March 2023
Apartment for rent in the City House
The City House is a beautiful national monument in the centre of Rotterdam. Various apartments are available in this monumental…
Love the City
13 March 2023
Discover these great hotspots on the Karel Doormanstraat
The Karel Doormanstraat is a centrally located shopping street in Rotterdam. In addition to shops, you will find nice…
6 March 2023
"Our current team is really fun."
Marja has been working at Manhave Vastgoed for 22 years. As head of administration, she takes on all important administrative and…
28 February 2023
Luxury hotspots on the Kruiskade
Do you fancy a day of shopping in Rotterdam Centre? Then pay a visit to the Kruiskade and discover these seven luxury shops.
City House
21 February 2023
Expat Sayuri about living in the City House
Read our interview with Sayuri, an expat who moved into the City House in May 2022. She shares her experience of living in…
16 February 2023
Interview with the Rotterdam breadfather
More and more children go to school without food. Johan 'De Boterhammenman' or 'The Breadman' Muurlink has been making sandwiches…
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