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Fit with work: Manhave trains at Compound Gym Rotterdam

Staying active is important for optimal physical and mental health. That is why our employees train weekly at Compound Gym Rotterdam with trainer Dimitris Papakonstantinou.

24 June 2024
By Kim Langhout

Because Manhave is happy with the collaboration with Compound Gym Rotterdam and how this relationship positively affects the health of our employees, we are sharing an interview with trainer Dimitris.

Dimitris, can you tell us something about yourself?

"My name is Dimitris Papakonstantinou. I am 31 years old and have been living in the Netherlands for over 1 year. I have a bachelor's degree in Physical Education and Sports Sciences with 2 main subjects: traditional Greek dancing and gymnastics. I also have a master's degree in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, with a focus on training."

And can you tell us about Compound Gym Rotterdam?

"Compound Gym Rotterdam is a place that focuses on the field of personal training. The most important thing is not only the service of good training, but also the fact that our trainers are able to help clients with chronic injuries and health problems, so that they can properly recover and continue their training, by creating a healthy lifestyle."

What does a Manhave training look like?

"For Manhave employees, the focus of the training is on strength and mobility. We also focus on specific exercises for chronic injuries. They come and train twice a week at Compound Gym Rotterdam."


Why is it important to stay fit and how does this relate to an office job?

“Having an office job means sitting (or standing) still for many hours during the day, creating a routine that is unhealthy for your body, the most important being correct anatomical posture. As a result, we see that people have the most problems or pain with an office job, such as pain in the lower, middle and upper back or knee and neck pain.

Having a personal trainer who teaches you how to train properly, by focusing on the correct technique of the exercises, will prevent these problems. At Compound Gym Rotterdam we ensure that injuries are resolved or prevented and that people stay fit. This way they can become stronger and happier because they no longer suffer from these problems."

Barbara van Manhave Vastgoed & Dimitris van Compound Gym Rotterdam

From willpower to decisiveness. Go to the Compound Gym Rotterdam website for more information about training effectively.

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