Beautiful office in the City House

123BigBags - The specialist in the field of Big Bags located in Rotterdam

123BigBags is an online webshop for various bags for use in the construction, waste and recycling industry. They now supply to various European markets, all from their beautiful office in the City House on the Kruiskade in Rotterdam.

Love the City
21 November 2024
By Kim Langhout

The goal of 123BigBags is to let more and more types of waste go through the bags they supply. By keeping the world clean, they make not only the environment but also their customers happy. This motivates them to make sure that the right bags are matched with the right waste. To make the goal concrete, within 8 years they want to let 123 million cubic metre waste go through the bags, thus in 2032. That is a whopping 3 times around the earth!


What makes your company so special?

"We are a very international team. Our largest sales markets are France, Germany and England. We focus on all Western European countries. At the moment, we have a French, German, South African, Moroccan and Finnish person working in the office. The working language is therefore English."


How long have you been located at Kruiskade and how is the collaboration with Manhave?

Our office has been located in the City House of Manhave since 2022. We still enjoy going to the office every day! It is a beautiful location and everything is to our liking.


What should people know about 123BigBags?

"Fun fact: We have decided that we would like to offer freelancers the opportunity to work with us in this beautiful building in Rotterdam.

We have made 4 flexible workplaces available and we look forward to possibly working with new entrepreneurs and making use of their expertise in this way."


Practical information 123BigBags

Kruiskade 117, 3012 EG Rotterdam
The City House

For more information, check out the website of 123BigBags.


This interview was created in collaboration with Krijn Degenkamp, Director at 123BigBags.

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